Comprehend API

Home of the AWS Comprehend processor family

Amazon's Comprehend API is their Natural Language Processing (NLP) API. Our processors will accept input strings and return JSON as their output.

Common Properties

Common properties are properties that are shared between all Comprehend processors This means every Comprehend processor will include these properties, plus whatever additional properties the individual processors add.

Properties whose names are in bold and italic are required.

  • Data Access Location - Dropdown list that specifies what part of the FlowFile the data should be read from. The value can be set to one of the following

    • flowfile-body: the data will be taken from the body of the flowfile

    • flowfile-attribute: the data will be taken from the attribute specified in the Raw Data Attribute property

  • Raw Data Attribute - Specifies which FlowFile attribute to pull the raw data string from if the Data Access Location attribute is set to flowfile-attribute

  • Destination - A dropdown input that determines what part of the outgoing FlowFile will contain the output information. The value can be set to one of the following:

    • flowfile-body: the data will be put to the FlowFile body. Additionally, the FlowFile's mime.type property will be set to application/json

    • flowfile-attribute: the data will be put to an attribute, whose name depends on the processor. This name is listed on the processor's documentation page.

  • Language Code - the language code of the language your input data is in

  • Comprehend Region - a list of AWS Regions, to be set to where you set your Comprehend service's region

  • Communications Timeout - how long before the processor routes a FlowFile to failure due to lack of API response

  • AWS Credentials Provider Service - A reusable provider controller service that stores AWS credentials. If this is not set, you will need to put in whatever relevant credentials information manually into their respective properties.

  • Access Key ID - The secret access key ID of an AWS credential

  • Secret Access Key - The body of an AWS credential's secret access key

  • Credentials File - The path to a properties file (on your instance) containing an AWS access key and secret key

  • SSL Context Service - an optional reusable SSL context service which will be used to create connections if provided

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